Registration представительтва
the foreign company in Moscow, the CIS, EU:
For representation of the interests in the economic market,
expressed in conducting business correspondence, reception of mail,
negotiating, realization of any business projects, and also the
actions meaning reception of the profit, we offer the organization
of representation of the company which will have the legal address,
phone, a fax, the electronic address and the employee engaged in
business management of the company.
Representations of firms are subdivided on:
1) conducting commercial activity.
2) not conducting commercial activity.
conducting commercial activity We
recommend registration of representation in the form of Open Company
(GmbH, SARL, Ltd, etc.) as it will allow representation
являтся the high-grade participant of economic activities in
the countries of EU where the representation is registered. For
the beginning works of representation registration in court,
financial instances and economic department where will be is
necessary is representation. As the founder of representation
firm can act as well the head company. If for any reasons
creation of the legal person who are carrying out function of
representation in one the countries of EU is not obviously possible,
the head company itself can represent itself as this legal person.
вследствии that more often head firms
are in the third countries (the CIS, China, etc.) outside of a legal
field of EU, their activity can be essentially complicated (reception
of credits,
leasing of the equipment, etc.). In most cases it is necessary
that in the chapter of such representation the citizen of EU
having necessary sanction for work was.
Representations not conducting commercial
activity As well as in the previous
case two variants are possible(probable): 1) creation of the
legal person in the country where is planned activity of
representation. 2) without creation of the independent legal
person when the head company acts in this quality. For such
registration of representation, basically it is enough only
registration in economic department and financial instances without
additional registration in courts or chambers of commerce.
In service of representation it is included
Service of representation includes the legal address, phone, a fax,
the electronic address, accounts department, the salary to the
attendants and processing of the acting correspondence (no more than
20 documents in a month), and also granting of the necessary
information on activity of the company by phone. If necessary
performance of additional works cost is stipulated in each concrete
case. The company having representation and wishing to be
engaged in commercial activity in territory of EU, should have
number in financial department of EU with which help all will be
registered its(her) financial operations. We can render necessary
assistance in reception of this number.
For the organization of work of
representation it is necessary to conclude the contract with our
company and to fill in the questionnaire. Except for it the
following documents are necessary for us:
Constituent documents of the head company ;
Extract from the trading register of the company (with
translation and апостилем);
The power of attorney on the employee who will carry out
procedure of registration of representation ;
The power of attorney on the employee, who will carry out
function of the chapter of representation , signed proxy director
of the head company.
представительсва occurs during 2 - 8
weeks. Activity of representation begins after transfer of a
registration payment and payment of the first month of work.
Successes to you!
PHONES __________________________________________________